To the speaker overview


Jürgen Odszuck


 at Stadt Heidelberg


Since Oktober 2016 is Jürgen Odszuck the first mayor of the city of Heidelberg. He is responsible for all areas of urban development and construction. He studied  architecture in Munich and Ferrara and urban management in Bangkok (M.Sc). After various activities abroad, he worked in Erlangen and Kronberg i. T. in responsible  positions. Since 2018 he has been a member of the building committee of the German  Association of Cities, since 2021 a member of the German Academy for Urban  Development and Regional Planning (DASL) and the scientific advisory board of the  German Institute for Urban Architecture and the DGNB (German Society for sustainable  Building).

Speaker at this lecture

17.04.2023 at 14:30 - 15:15

DGNB Expert Panel

Ressourcen + Recycling