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Christian Wegerer


 at PPAG architects


Christian Wegerer, born in Linz. 2005-2013 Studied architecture at Graz University of Technology and Incheon International University, South Korea. Worked in architectural offices in Linz, Graz, Brussels and since 2014 team member at PPAG architects Vienna. Currently team and project manager acquisition. PPAG architects was founded in 1995 by Anna Popelka and Georg Poduschka. PPAG is not specialised and deliberately works in the entire field of architecture. In recent years, the focus has been on residential construction, educational buildings and gastronomy. Primarily active in Austria, PPAG has recently also worked on projects in Germany, Norway and Ecuador. (c) PPAG architects

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Speaker at this lecture

18.04.2023 at 15:00 - 15:30

Open Up! The new Vienna Zinshaus

Homes of the future