Press release

“The response from the exhibitors was positive across the board”

May 5, 2022

BAU, the world’s leading trade fair for architecture, materials and systems, was rescheduled a few weeks ago from January to April 17-22, 2023. How have the exhibiting companies responded to the new dates, and what can the participants expect in April 2023? The Exhibition Director of BAU, Matthias Strauß, answers our questions.

How have your customers, in other words, the BAU exhibitors, responded to the new dates in April?

“The response from the exhibitors is positive across the board. In times like these, it is hugely important for our customers to have planning security; and since we announced it very early on, the exhibitors were able to respond and reschedule accordingly. The number of registrations is almost the same as for the last BAU in 2019. More than 70 percent of the total floorspace has now already been sold after the first placement round. The companies, such as Schüco, Uzin Utz, Target, Würth, Hörmann, Schörghuber, Swiss Krono, Mapei, Engelbert Strauss, Agrob Buchtal, Euro Baustoffe or Steuler Fliesen, are with us on this path, so our decision to move from January to April was the right one.”

What do you think: Will BAU 2023 be comparable to BAU 2019?

“As far as the topics and their relevance are concerned, definitely. There’s no denying, of course, that the last few years have left their mark on the industry. But it’s all the more important that the sector now has a platform again where it can meet face to face, discuss topics, and do business. The feedback we receive daily is clear: The industry representatives are looking forward to BAU after the long break.”

What can participants look forward to? What’s new?

“First of all, to being able to experience the relevant industry giants and their products and innovations again live in Munich. Another highlight is also our main topics of ‘The challenge of climate change,’ ‘Affordable living,’ ‘Resources and recycling’ and ‘Digital transformation.’ And last but not least, there will be a stronger focus at BAU 2023 on the new topic of ‘modular construction / construction with prefabricated building systems’. I have no doubt that BAU will confirm its status as the world’s leading trade fair for architecture, materials and systems.”

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BAU, the world’s leading trade fair for architecture, materials, systems will take place from April 17th to 22nd, 2023.
© Studio Loske
Matthias Strauß
BAU, the world’s leading trade fair for architecture, materials, systems will take place from April 17th to 22nd, 2023.
Matthias Strauß
Smiling woman with shoulder-length dark blond hair and a dark suit over a light blue shirt.
Sabine Wagner
  • PR Manager