Building type E: Guideline for simple and cost-effective construction

Everyone who builds is familiar with the so-called ‘generally recognised rules of technology’ (aRdT), which are relevant under contract law. These are all rules that are regarded by industry experts as technically suitable, appropriate and necessary for good and faultless construction work and that have proven themselves in practice. Exactly which standards belong to the aRdT is not defined by law, but follows industry knowledge and, in the event of a dispute, case law. The result is poor performance and legal disputes that make the construction or renovation of flats more expensive and deter investors and buyers.

Building must be made easier and cheaper again, without compromising on safety. This is where building type E will come in. In future, contractual partners will be able to deviate from cost-intensive construction standards in a legally secure manner and at the same time comply with the high safety standards for construction. Both sides will benefit from this; the construction industry, because building will become cheaper, and the users, because it will become cheaper.

  • Federal Building Minister

On the initiative of the chambers of architects and with the support of a broad alliance of stakeholders, the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB) has now responded and developed a guideline and process recommendation, called "Leitlinie und Verfahrensempfehlung Gebäudetyp E". It is intended to support building owners and those involved in planning and construction in the application of ‘simple construction’.

In order to encourage both clients and those involved in the construction industry to build more simply in future, the guideline provides project participants with a range of information. Starting with the scope of the clarification to clarify the prior knowledge of the client, through the naming of the concrete effects of deviations and possible losses in quality and comfort as well as their formulation, to concrete planning examples - from the concrete ceiling to the number of sockets and cables. The aim of the clarification is to make the client so competent that they can decide on their own responsibility whether to approve the deviation in favour of cost savings.

What are the next steps?

The Federal Government will now initiate the necessary amendments to the German Civil Code (BGB) in order to support simple and affordable construction under civil law.

Together with its partners in the Alliance for Affordable Housing, the BMWSB has set itself the goal of significantly promoting the construction of affordable housing. One important measure in this regard is the establishment of ‘Building Type E’.